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My TV Debut- The Kelly Clarkson Show Audience

Today, I was on TV!!! I was apart of The Kelly Clarkson Show's virtual audience that aired on NBC at 2:00 PM PST! I have been checking every week since April to see when my episode would air and it finally came on. The guests included Sherri Shepard, Rob Riggle and Charles Melton. 

I wore my hot pink dress and was excited that I was on the second row instead of the back. Here is a video clip of the show. Look for me on the left side of the screen.


How did this all come about? In April, I signed up to be apart of the show's audience. I had never done this before and thought it would be a fun activity while we were still house bound. is where I summitted my request for tickets and they had several shows looking for audience members. I picked The Kelly Clarkson Show and within a day I was accepted for the April 29, 2021 date.

On the morning of the show, I was so excited and a little nervous! The taping started at 10:30 AM but I had to check in at 9:30AM. The staff was very nice and guided me through all the set up and technical stuff. Then, when it was time to record they had a fun hype guy who played games with us and guided us through the schedule. Boy, I haven't clapped that much in like FOREVER! LOL! It was so cool during the taping to see the behind the scenes, too. 

In between each segment and guest spot, we could take a break. Also, I won an Amazon gift card from one of the games! 

Kelly also interviewed a 90 plus year old artist and a family from the CCAwesome Foundation nonprofit for kids and dedicated to the death of their son. She spoke with the founders of Girl Trek, a nonprofit to get Black women walking. I really liked how Kelly gave the community heroes just as much love as she did the celebrities! She is a class act!

The whole event went until about 1:30 PM. Boy, I was tired when we got through but it was a good tired. LOL! I don't know if they will have virtual audiences any more but if they do, I will definitely do this again!


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